2 swaps in one week? Yup that's how Homeygrown does it!
We'll be hosting the shoe swap at La Femme Fatale, and since this is a sneaker event, we're hoping to see some rare joints up to trade (and I'm hoping for some size 7s)!
Here's how it works:
1. Go through your kicks and take your picks. Bring sneakers that never leave the box, or the ones you just bought because they were on sale. Is your collection taking over your bedroom? Try sizing it down by bringing a few pairs to the swap.
2. Make them shoes shine! Clean the shoes thoroughly because we will be having them on display at the event. Check the inside, lace 'em up, and even clean the soles.
3. At the event, fill out an info card about your sneakers: brand, style, size, etc. You will also have to come up with a $ price range $ for your shoes. One of the shoes will be displayed in a secured room at the event. Feel free to stick by your sneakers, or walk around the room to check out the other kicks, or just kick back and check out the party! Get your nails did, shop the racks, or check out Rocky Rivera's performance.
4. Interested sneaker heads can view the shoes on display and if they need to try them on or check them out, we will bring the other shoe for them to try. If someone is interested in your shoe, you can decide if you want to trade with her. If she does not have shoes to trade, then you can sell it to her. There will be a sheet for people to fill out their offers if you're not in the room.
Let us know if there are any questions.
I'm personally swapping 4 pairs already...maybe more!