Swap Not Shop
Spring Clothing Swap
Our biannual Swap Not Shop was held at the legendary Soundwave Studios.
Famous and up and coming bands have used the same room where we held our swap.
Many thanks to Al for allowing us to use the space for something other than music!
Overall, about 30 people showed up, men and women, and although we would have liked a better turn-out, we had PLENTY of clothes and other things to swap.
We had to resist our urges of pre-swapping and wait for the "Let the Swap Begin" signal. It was tempting to stand around before the swap and just look at what you can't touch. Some of us broke that rule...but it's ok because we worked hard for it!
Then once the swap began, the ladies' table turned into a competive chaos...
While the guys just chilled and swapped with patience.
We used beer and wine as bait, but perhaps people don't get down with a keg and blood rain sangria on Thursday nights.
We're hella dorky to have an unfinished keg!
People were feeling generous by leaving grapes in the tip jar.
Who brought their underwear to swap?? We can understand bras, but UNDERWEAR? Where did the underwear go? Hopefully someone threw them away...otherwise you'll see them listed on ebay.
the only shirt that chris picked out, with his lucky number 26
in that huge bag is a fly ass leather jacket. good find!
We kept things fun by holding a Fugly: We’re Bringing Ugly Back Fashion Show. We found the fugliest things we can find and made it look good. For some reason, we ended up looking like gangsta grandmas. It was an unspoken agreement that fugly equals gangsta grannies. To wear grandma clothes separately, or gangsta separately, isn't fugly, but when you put them together, it's hella fugly!
MC Killa Stormz gets fugly too.....
Chrystine from TinaAndrina joined in on the fun.
G-Ma Rockill with a red cup in hand...
Melissa, making fugly look GOOD!
Thank you to everyone that came out and swapped with us. We might even be wearing each other's pants. Don't worry, I washed mine.
If you have a story to share, please leave a comment. We will hold another Swap Not Shop in the Fall, with more fun, with perhaps even a sewing station!
On the front page of our website, let us know what your favorite thing is that you swapped.
And mark your calendars, May 19 & 20 will be the HUGE Swap-o-Rama-Rama Event at the Maker Faire, held at the San Mateo County Fairgrounds.
P.S. to the girl with the royal blue underwear, thanks so much for coming!